FQMT 2024 - Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics
July 21-27, 2024
Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics
Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Event Overview
Prof. Lev Murokh is giving presentation titled: "VitaCrystallography: Old Approach to New Challenges"
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT) is the successful series of the multidisciplinary conferences held in Prague which address non-equilibrium statistical physics, quantum many body physics, foundations of quantum physics and quantum thermodynamics. The title of the conference is historical; its meaning corresponds only partly to topics of the actual FQMT conferences. Traditionally, the FQMT programs feature concerts of classical and jazz music performed by world-class musicians, held at outstanding venues of the city.
Scientific program
Begin: Monday morning (7:50 Prague time, 5:50 UCT), July 22, 2024
End: Saturday afternoon (16:00 Prague time, 14:00 UCT), July 27, 2024 `
Invited contributions:
Overview invited talks (30 min)
These talks should cover a somewhat broader area or a few related topics.Shorter invited talks (20 min)
These talks should deal with promising progress in developing and understanding particular topics or techniques related to the scope of the conference.Invited posters
Due to the shortage of time (slots) for invited talks, the scientific committee invites also special invited